The report covered 50 years of religious change, from 1964 to 2014.
Other findings included...
- The proportion of Americans who do not identify with any religious tradition has grown dramatically—from 3 percent in the 1960s to 20 percent today—even though 90 percent of Americans professed a belief in God or a higher power.
- Protestants have declined in their share of the American adult population, from 70 percent in the 1950s to a little less than 50 percent today.
- The protracted decline in Protestant shares of the American population is largely due to the decline of Mainline Protestant denominations such as Methodists, Lutherans and Episcopalians, whose numbers have halved over the same time period.
- Evangelicals rapidly increased their share of the population until the early 1990s, but that segment has experienced some decline since then.
- The proportion of people who affiliate with non-Judeo-Christian religions has doubled since the 1950s.
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