Thank you...for your heart for serving. You are an extension of the heart of Jesus who came not to be served but to serve.
Thank you...for working behind the scenes to prepare crafts, clean toys, buy goldfish crackers and put together curriculum. Children's Ministry wouldn't happen without you.
Thank you...for seeing into the future of the church and investing in it's leaders.
Thank you...for loving kids even when they are having a bad day and are being difficult. They feel your unconditional love and it marks their hearts forever.
Thank you...for being the arms of Jesus hugging a child whose parents are going through a divorce.
Thank you...for leading kids in worship. You help them connect with their Heavenly Father.
Thank you...for making new families feel welcome. Your smile is a big reason why they return.
Thank you...for serving when you've had a crazy week and are tired. That's the weekend God uses you the most.
Thank you...for listening to prayer requests for dogs, cats, and goldfish. You're showing kids that God cares about even the smallest details of our lives.
Thank you...for encouraging the single mom who's having a hard time balancing everything by herself. Your encouragement means more than you know.
Thank you...for your passion to teach kids God's Word at the most critical time in their life.
Thank you...for choosing to teach the kid's class over sitting comfortably in an adult class.
Thank you...for changing diapers so a parent's life can be changed as he listens to the Gospel in the adult service for the first time.
Thank you...for staying 30 minutes longer than normal with a child after the service so his parents can talk with the pastor about struggles they are facing.
Thank you...for helping kids memorize God's Word. It will pop back into their mind one day when they are in college and are about to make a moral decision.
Thank you...for your faithfulness to teach even when it seems the kids aren't listening. God's Word never returns void.
Thank you...for investing in my kid's lives. You are one of the reasons why they love Jesus now as adults.
Thank you...for speaking purpose and life into the child's life who is being bullied at school and feels worthless.
Thank you...for whispering a prayer over the baby you are holding in the nursery. Your prayer makes an eternal difference.
Thank you...for reading my posts, sharing your wisdom through your comments and being my friend in ministry. I am thankful for you!
May your Thanksgiving Day be filled with joy, good memories and love.