When you reach a child you change a life. When you reach parents, you change an entire family.
Are you in the ministry for the income or outcome?
People don't follow a title...they follow someone they love and respect.
Love first...lead second.
Everyone can be great...because everyone can serve.
The road to success is always under construction.
The most important thing in life isn't things.
You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
Everyone says they are teachable until there is a lesson to be learned.
Be yourself. An original is worth more than a copy.
If you stay ready, you don't have to get ready when opportunity comes along.
The best part of the journey is not what you get but who you become.
Excellence is never an accident.
Don't place volunteers where you need them. Place them where they need to be.
Don't leave your volunteers in the dark during the week and expect them to shine during the weekend.
Take another step...even when your legs are shaking.
You become educated by reading books. You become wise by real life experiences.
Everything you own will one day be landfill. Live for the eternal.
Stop thinking about how stressed you are and realize how blessed you are.
Initiative is taken not given.
Black belts are white belts who didn't quit.
Work for a cause...not for applause.
The past is a point of reference not a place of residence.
Don't be a mini someone else. Be a big you.
Growth is waiting at the end of your comfort zone.
What are some of your favorite quotes? Share them with us in the comment section below.