The Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, are the young parents who are walking through your church doors.
It is vital that we reach them. A church that is healthy will have young families. Here's some things Millennial parents are looking for.
An encounter with God. 39% of Millennials who don't attend church say it's because they can find God elsewhere. In their mind, why would they sit through a church service to experience God when they can do the same thing at the lake?
The presence of Gd is not something that can be manufactured. It rests upon a church as a result of unity, prayer and seeking those far from God.
An engaging experience. 31% of Millennials don't attend church because they say it's boring. They want teaching that is relevant to their life. They want to know how the Word of God connects to 2015.
Authenticity. 35% say they want people that are authentic. The church scandals they watched unfold as they were growing up have made them quick to sniff out hypocrites.
Acceptance. 87% of Millennials say the church is not accepting of people whose lifestyles do not line up with Scripture. They want a church that accepts people no matter where they are on their journey. They want a place where you can belong before you believe. A key thing to remember is there is a difference between acceptance and approval. You can accept people and love them without approving of their lifestyle.
Community. 48% of Millennials see church as a place where you can experience community with other people. If you want to keep them, then you've got to offer easy steps for them to get connected into community.
Opportunity to initially remain anonymous. 82% of Millennials don't want to share more than their first name on their first visit to your church. If you come across as a used car salesman when they first walk through the doors, they will run the other way.
The floor is yours. What are some other things young parents are looking for when they come to your church? Share in the comment section below.
What Young Parents Want When They Come to Your Church
9:53 AM
Dale Hudson