Recently I read an article in Business Insider that shared some of the ways great leaders get more done in a day.
Dustin Moskovitz, one of the co-founders of Facebook and CEO of Asana, doesn't schedule any meetings on Wednesdays. He says it's an invaluable tool for ensuring he has some contiguous space to do project work.
Beth Doane, founder of an apparel line called Raintees, let's all of her non-scheduled calls go to voice mail. She sets aside time at the end of the day to sort through the calls and return the ones that are needed.
Jamie Wong, founder of a travel firm called Vayable, schedules three non-work-related activities each week that nothing can interfere with. She commits to one activity in each of the catergories, "Create," "Love," and "Grow."
Joe Silverman, founder of New York Computer Help, has his own rewards system for achieving goals that he sets. An example would be to complete a sales goal and get a coffee from Starbucks.
Tracy DiNunzio, founder and CEO of Tradesy, works from home one day a week. She carves out time blocks throughout the day to focus on whatever is at the top of her to-do-list.
Bobby Harris, founder and president of BlueGrace Logistics, keeps meetings as short as possible. He never accepts a meeting without a clear agenda and then asks how long they need. Then he cuts the amount of time in half. He says to start and stop your meeting on time, every time.
James Borow, co-founder and CEO of Shift, sets aside emails that aren't related to his to-do list. He says to treat your email as a to-do list as opposed to just reacting all of the time.