My friends at KidSpring shared a great tool with me that kids can use to invite their friends and neighbors to Easter services. It's called "You've Been Egged" and we're using it this Easter.
We're giving all the kids a "You've Been Egged" invite packet. The packet includes:
- plastic door hanger
- invite card (see example below)
- instructions on how to use
- Parents – This is a great way for your kids to invite neighbors and friends to Easter services.
- Here’s what to do:
- Place a few candy eggs inside this bag.
- Write your name on the invite card and check which campus/service you will be attending.
- Place the card back inside the bag and use it to invite a friend or neighbor to come to Easter services with you.
- You can hang it on their door or personally hand it to them.
- Just think…God can use you to help someone discover His love this Easter!
"I am a school crossing guard. Some of the kids who attend your church gave me an invite card and asked me to come while they were waiting to cross for school."
Here's the invite card. Feel free to copy it and tweak it to fit your ministry. Let's equip our kids for outreach this Easter! Can't wait to see what God does!