The letter reflects a leader who is making a difference in the lives of her volunteers. Check it out and then I'll share some observations I gained from it.
I wanted to take a moment and share something with you. I know as a business owner and a supervisor in the fire department, it is always nice to get a letter of appreciation for one of my team members. So what better day than today and today is her birthday. Although everyone on your team is awesome, I wanted to point out _________. I have been serving with her in the kids ministry for a couple years now and I have to say she demonstrates a lot of "Christ like Love" to all the kids and her volunteers. Sometimes when I see her struggling to fill each room with enough volunteers for a Sunday service and she is short handed, she never lets it get her down or changes the way she treats people. Whenever I ask her about it, she always say "it will all work out" of course with a smile. In my line of work I pay people to come to work and when I can't fill my schedule I get frustrated. I've even gotten a little bit of an attitude. Well I have definitely changed my ways since observing how she treats people and also as I reflect on the Bible verse: Colossians 4:5-6 - Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. I have been meaning to email you for a while but I have gotten side tracked with a busy life. So I decided to take a moment and send you this email.
Thanks again and have a wonderful day,
Here's what I picked up from this letter about leading volunteers well.
- The volunteer knows it's her birthday. This means she leads on a personal level.
- He has been serving for 2 years. She is keeping her volunteers.
- He is watching HOW she leads. Volunteers observe how you lead. Don't think they're not watching.
- She doesn't get "stressed out" or at least she doesn't let it show. You set the tone for your volunteers. Want to see how your tone is? Look at the tone of your volunteers.
- She has impacted this volunteer's life and helped him grow spiritually. A good leader influences his or her volunteers spiritually.
HOW you lead volunteers makes the difference.