Recently Romans 2:8 caught my attention.
"But He will pour out His anger and wrath on those who live for themselves..."
This verse got me thinking about ambition. Ambition can be a good thing, if it's the right kind of ambition. But it can also be a bad thing, if it's the kind described in the verse above...ambition that is about exalting the person who is consumed by it.
Here's some differences between the right and wrong kind of ambition.
The right kind of ambition is about empowering others. The wrong kind of ambition is about obtaining power.
The right kind of ambition is about serving others. The wrong kind of ambition is about being served.
The right kind of ambition seeks to build God's kingdom. The wrong kind of ambition is about building your kingdom.
The right kind of ambition looks for a towel to serve others like Jesus used a towel to wash the disciples' feet. The wrong kind of ambition looks for a title.
The right kind of ambition chases after God's approval. The wrong kind of ambition chases after man's approval.
The right kind of ambition seeks to make riches so it can be used for eternal purposes. The wrong kind of ambition seeks to make riches so it can be used for earthly purposes.
The right kind of ambition hungers for righteousness. The wrong kind of ambition hungers for unrighteousness.
The right kind of ambition uses the ministry to build people. The wrong kind of ambition uses people to build the ministry.
The right kind of ambition shines the spotlight on others. The wrong kind of ambition shines the spotlight on himself or herself.
The right kind of ambition promotes others. The wrong kind of ambition wants to be promoted.
The right kind of ambition brings glory to God. The wrong kind of ambition brings glory to man.
The right kind of ambition is driven by love. The wrong kind of ambition is driven by lust.
The right kind of ambition mourns when another falls. The wrong kind of ambition rejoices when another falls.
The right kind of ambition wants what is best for the team. The wrong kind of ambition wants what is best for him or her.
The right kind of ambition says "we." The wrong kind of ambition says "me."
The right kind of ambition is humble. The wrong kind of ambition is haughty.
The right kind of ambition strives to be faithful. The wrong kind of ambition strives to be great.
Let's be ambitious...but make sure it's the right kind.
The Right & Wrong Kind of Ambition
7:49 AM
Dale Hudson