Recent research from the Annie E. Casey foundation shows the status of children in the United States. Here are some of the key findings.
22% live in poverty compared to 18% in 2008.
30% have parents who lack secure employment compared to 27% in 2008.
35% of children live in households with a housing cost burden. This is improved from 39% in 2008.
7% of teens are not in school and not working. This is improved from 8% in 2008.
53% of young children are not in school compared to 52% in 2009.
65% of 4th graders are not proficient in reading. This is improved from 68% in 2007.
68% of 8th graders are not proficient in reading. This is improved from 69% in 2007.
18% of high school students are not graduating on time. This is improved from 25% in 2008.
8% of babies are born at a low weight. This is improved from 8.2% in 2008.
6% of children do not have health insurance. This is improved from 10% in 2008.
There are 24 children and teen deaths per 100,00 people. This is improved from 29 per 100,000 in 2008.
5% of teens abuse alcohol or drugs. This is improved from 8% in 2008.
35% of children are in single-parent homes compared to 32% in 2008.
14% of children have a head of household who does not have a high school diploma. This is improved from 16% in 2008.
14% of children live in high-poverty areas compared to 11% in 2010.
These percentages and numbers represent real children with real parents. Like never before, the church has the opportunity and responsibility to help and invest in children and families. We have a lot of work to do. Let's go.
Kids Count...the latest findings about America's children
9:12 AM
Dale Hudson