Slime has been a draw for kids for decades. Nickelodeon is the leader in making it so popular with kids. They first introduced the green, gooey substance, back in 1979 on the show You Can't Do That On Television. If anyone on the show said "I don't know," they would have the substance dumped over their head, which was called "being slimed."
They then used slime on the show Double Dare in several physical challenges and obstacles. Next, they brought slime on the show Wild and Crazy Kids where it was used for a game and occasionally someone would get slimed during a host segment. Slime has also been used in the shows Figure It Out, Weinerville, Rugrats and SpongeBob Squarepants.
And of course, slime is a featured part each year of the Kids' Choice Awards. Celebrities get slimed, which kids love and look forward to.
Universal Studios built a Slime Geyser, a fountain located just outside of Nickelodeon Studios at their theme park in Orlando. Every fifteen minutes, it would spew the green goo upwards. If you stood close enough, you could get slimed by it. The fountain was removed in 2005.
Many children's ministries have used slime over the years in their ministry. Whether it was part of a review game, a family event, Fall Festival, special weekend or a lesson, it helped kids have fun at church and be drawn in.
But has slime "slimed" out? Is it still a draw for a new generation of kids? If you've stopped using it, should you consider bringing it back?
The answer is "yes." Here's why.
YouTube, which is a key indicator of what is trending in the world of kids, is seeing slime videos trending big-time. Videos in which amateur scientists mix glue and Borax together to create slime, have taken off in the past year. Many of the creators of the videos are raking in big paydays with millions of subscribers and tens of millions of views. An example is Karina Garcia, whose slime experiments on YouTube have received more than 723 million views. Her sponsors include Audible, Coca-Cola and Disney. Some months she brings in over $200,000.
In a recent article, the New York Time detailed the rise of the slime video phenomenon. Slime related searches on Etsy have increased 90 times over since October 2016.
So, the obvious answer is yes. Kids still love slime and you should bring it back to your children's ministry if you've stopped using it.
Slime can be used in a lesson. Want to capture kids' attention in a large group lesson? Use slime. It can be used as an object lesson or illustration of a Biblical truth.
Slime can be used as a craft. Kids love to make their own slime. Think about how you could tie this into your class time. A Google search will provide you with plenty of recipes and instructions for making slime.
Slime can be used for a take home activity. You can send a slime recipe home with kids. Have them make it with their parents and use it as a discussion starter about a Biblical topic or extension of the lesson. Better yet, have them create a slime making video and post it on your children's ministry's YouTube channel. They could then invite their unchurched friends to watch it and generate interest in your children's ministry.
Slime can be used for review games at church. It might be the person who answers a question gets to be slimed. It might be a kid who answers the question gets to slime a staff member or volunteer. Just provide a way to protect the person's clothes such as a trash bag, rain coat or an extra change of clothes.
Slime can be used at a family event. Kids and families love it! It can bring a lot of energy and excitement in a large group setting.
Slime can be used as a reward for meeting a goal. Want to see the kids reach an attendance goal? Want to encourage them to bring their friends to church? Want to see them reach a giving goal for missions? Tell them they can slime you or another person if they hit their goal.
Yes, slime is still relevant with today's kids. Keep making it slime time at church and you'll connect with them.