As a leader, you should often move away from your desk and get out among the people you are leading.
As a leader, you should also be available on Sunday to meet and greet guests and interact with families. Don't set back and wait for them to come to you. Walk to them and talk with them.
That's what great leaders do. They spend time walking and talking with those they are ministering to.
When you get out among the people and talk with them, they will see begin to see you as approachable. And that's a good thing. Great leaders create a culture where team members can ask questions and personally analyze decisions that are made.
Walking and talking with your team will help you identify and correct misalignment sooner. Walking and talking with team members leads to trust.
Relax as you walk and talk with your team. If your communication with them consists of rigid responses, your team members will pick up on it and reflect it. Keep the conversation as relaxed as possible. Watch your body language.
Dress appropriately. Don't wear a suit if everyone else is wearing jeans and a polo.
Look and listen more than you talk. Your posture should be seeking answers more than giving answers to your team members' replies. Give them your undivided attention. When they see that you're interested in what they have to say, they'll be more open and receptive, and you'll build rapport.
Share the vision. This is a great way to share the vision of the ministry with people individually. Show people how their role helps the ministry fulfill the big vision He has ordained for your church.
Don't just talk business. Strike a balance between work and their personal lives. Talk about their family, hobbies, personal interests, etc.
Don't be a stalker. You don't want people to feel like they are always being watched. Don't walk around at the same time each day. Be spontaneous. Walk in different areas of your ministry each week.
"Walking slowly though the crowd" can bring great benefits. Get out of our office and "walk and talk." Get out of some of the 500 meetings you have scheduled to attend this next week and spend many of them walking and talking instead.
No memo, no letter, no gift, no phone call, can take the place of you walking among your volunteers and personally connecting with them.