After the pastor, I believe the most important hire your church will make is a children's pastor / director.
Why is this role so important? Here are a few reasons.
We must reach the next generation. There are 77 million Gen Z kids in the U.S. and over 2 billion world-wide.
Children are the future of your church and without them your church has no future.Today's kids are growing up in a society that continues to slide away from the truth of God's Word. It is critical that you have staff and volunteers who are committed to reaching them with the Gospel.
Reach kids and you will reach parents. I have seen it happen so many times. God uses a child to bring his or her parents to faith in Christ. Think about in the Bible how many times people came to Jesus for one reason. They needed healing for their child. God worked through kids to reach their parents and it still works today. A solid children's pastor / director will pay for their salary many times over through families they help reach and bring into the church. The way to reach parents is through their children.
There is a void of quality children's pastors / directors. Go to any church staffing website and you will see many churches who are looking for a children's pastor / director. There are thousands of wonderful children's pastors / directors that are reaching kids and families in their local church. But there is still a big shortage if you look at the current demands.
The most important time in a person's life is their childhood. This is the time of life when a person is molded and shaped into the person they will be for the rest of their life. If we want to see kids grow up to love Jesus and follow Him, then we must have leaders and parents who are focused on helping them get there.
One of the top reasons people go to church is for what the church has to offer their children. Excellent children's ministry brings families in. Become known as the place for kids in your community. You can get this reputation with the right leadership.
Children's pastors / directors interact with everyone in the church. Except for the Pastor, no one else connects with people as much as the children's ministry person. Think about it. The children's ministry person interacts with babies, preschoolers, lower elementary children, pre-teens, singles that serve in children's ministry, married couples whose kids are in the ministry, grandparents who bring their grandchildren to church. senior adults who serve, married couples who serve, middle-schoolers that serve, high school students that serve, college students who serve and the list goes on.
God will bless the church that makes children's ministry a top priority. In scripture, Jesus tells us that when we welcome children, we are welcoming Him. And we know He took time to bless the children when the disciples were trying to shoo them away. Get on mission with God for the next generation.
Are you looking for a children's ministry leader to join your team?
Are you a children's minister and you are looking for a church to serve in?
I am a strategic partner with Vanderbloemen church staffing. They help churches find staff including children's ministers. Check them out at this link and tell them Dale Hudson sent you.
And if you have a children's minister, take good care of them. Support them. Invest in theme.