Themed t-shirts are standard clothing when you serve in children's ministry.
What you put on the t-shrt is very important because it sends a message to all who read it.
Recently, I came across a ministry t-shirt that is one of the best ideas I have seen.
Take a look at the t-shirt and then I'll tell you what the names represent.

The 373 names are the names of each child they reached last year with the Gospel. 373 kids who invited Jesus to come into their life.
Each year, they create a new t-shirt that has the names of the children they reached with the Gospel.
What a powerful way to show volunteers that they are making a difference in the lives of children. It says behind every name there is a person. A person whose life was impacted by the investment they made in the lives of children.
This is what it's all about my friend. Reaching children and their parents with the Gospel. That is why we do what we do. We know that most people come to Christ before the age of 18. You are serving in the greatest mission field in the world...the hearts of children.
And the cool thing about this t-shirt is this - it's a great reminder of your mission and the fruit that is coming from your mission. It reminds volunteers that they are making a big difference.
But the starting point is having a passion to reach kids for Christ. If you need some tools to help you reach more kids and parents, then check out Starting Point.
Starting Point is a class that kids and their parents attend when they express an interest in beginning a relationship with Jesus. It is a powerful class that will enable you to see many kids and parents come to Christ. Using this strategy, in one year I saw over 460 kids and dozens of parents accept Christ as their Savior and then follow Him in baptism. Every single one of them had been through the classes.
There is a 2nd class about baptism that kids and parents go through once they have made the decision to follow Jesus. The baptism class clearly explains what baptism means and when you should follow Jesus in baptism.
Over 100 churches are currently using these classes to reach kids and parents. You can see samples and get more info. at this link.
My prayer is that each of you who are reading this, will be motivated and empowered to fill up your own t-shirt with lots of names of kids and parents you reach.