A new school year is starting back up. This means kids will have the opportunity to connect with friends, make new friends and build relationships with other kids in their classes.
This provides kids, who are Christ-followers, the opportunity to share their faith with their classmates.
Our part in this is placing the tools in kids' hands that they can use to effectively share their faith. We are called to "equip the saints for the work of the ministry." There is no work more important than sharing your faith as a Christ-follower.
Over the years, I have tried to encourage kids to share their faith. One way I did this was each week I would pass out an invite card that kids could use to invite their friends to church. Each week, I would ask for 5 kids who would be bold enough to share their faith and invite a friend to church. They would use the invite card for this purpose.
I wanted to make sure the kids took this seriously, so that is why I only passed out the invite cards to 5 kids.
And God used it. Each week, we saw 1 or more kids return with their friend they invited. And many of those friends entered a relationship with Jesus and became followers of Him.
Why? Because we were intentional about equipping kids to share their faith and invite people to church. What you emphasize is what you will get.
Out of a heart to see kids equipped and confident to share their faith, I also created a 4-week curriculum that not only helps kids see why they need to share their faith, but also provides them with 4 simple tools they can use to do this.
The series is called the "Blab Lab" and it teaches kids how to "blab" about their faith. Each week, the kids create a simple tool they can use to share their faith with their friends, neighbors, classmates, sports' team, etc.
Below are some samples.
Here is a sample share your faith tool the kids make.
You can get more info. about this teaching series at this link.
I promise you that if you are intentional about encouraging kids to share their faith, you will see God use them to spread the Gospel. One of the children who went through this teaching series, took one of the tools she made at church and during a show and tell, she shared it with her entire class at her public school.
Kids who are passionate about sharing their faith will grow up to love and follow Jesus for a lifetime. It's our responsibility to equip them for this purpose.