One of the awesome things about children's ministry is this - the investment you make will outlive you.
Here's an example.
I have a friend who lives in China. Born and raised there.
(not using his name for safety reasons) He is "the guy" when it comes to leading, coaching and training volunteers who serve in children's ministry in China. And here's the interesting part, all of the people he is training and providing resources for are in the underground churches.
Currently, he is helping over 83,000 children's ministry volunteers in the underground churches. This translates into millions of kids in the underground churches.
I asked him how he became a follower of Christ. Especially growing up in an atheistic society?
Here's what he said. "In the early 1900's, a missionary from Houston, Texas came to China and led my great, great, great grandfather to Jesus. I am a fourth generation believer."
Wow! I'm sure that missionary had no idea the impact his ministry would make then and after he went to Heaven. His investment has far outlived him. Think about it. Because of the seed he planted so long ago, there are thousands of people who are sharing the Gospel that he shared with that one person so long ago.
If you serve in children's ministry, you know it is not an easy gig. It takes commitment, faithfulness and even perseverance at times. While others sit and soak in everything, you have answered the call to invest your time, talents and treasures to reaching and discipling the next generation. It is not for the faint on heart.
Are you like me? There have been times when I wondered if it was really worth it. Wondering if all the time, effort and labor was really making any difference at all. We'll all been there, right?
I'm sending this word of encouragement to you today.
When you invest in children's ministry, you are investing in a ministry that will outlive you. Long after you and I are in Heaven, the investment we made here on earth will continue to grow and reach people you won't meet until they are in Heaven with you. You are sending a message into the future through the children you reach and disciple.
35 years ago, when I was in college, I was part of a ministry that reached children and their families in the inner city of Chicago. Each Saturday morning, we would go out and share the Gospel with kids and parents and invite them to church. The next day, we would come by with a bus and take them to church.
One of the little girls we reached was named Veronica. After college, I moved away and lost contact with her and her family. Then, about a year ago, I got a message on Facebook from her. She asked if I was the Dale who invited her to church when I ministered in Chicago? Long story short, she had continued to attend church and grow in her faith for all those years. She is now married and lives in Orlando. She is a children's ministry volunteer at a great church there. And recently her son came to Christ as well. It was a great reminder for me that our investments will outlive us. When I am gone, her son will be carrying the message to his generation.
Be encouraged. Your fruit will remain. You are creating ripple effects of faith. You will see the full picture of what God did through you when you get to Heaven.
You are leaving a great legacy. Stay faithful and know that your labor is not in vain. Long after you are gone, your ministry will continue to spread and reach people for Christ.
I created a video for my volunteers to remind them that they are leaving a legacy and are having a key part of seeing kids continue to spread the Gospel after we are gone. Here's the video. If you'd like a copy of it, you can download it at this link.