You can teach children a lot of different things from the Bible.
There are also a lot of different curriculums to choose from.
For many years, I have brainstormed, researched and looked for curriculum that would have key elements that kids need to know before they graduate out of children's ministry.
After not finding what I needed, I decided to write my own curriculum.
I wanted a curriculum that would be laser-focused and teach the "must know" truths that kids need as they are growing up.
The curriculum I created is called Connect12. Connect12 is laser-focused and teaches these key 12 truths.
The Bible is clear to say...Jesus is the only way. (salvation)
God made me and loves me totally. (identity in Christ)
This is my story...worshiping God and declaring His glory. (worship)
Jesus is my best friend...on Him I can depend. (growing relationship with Jesus)
I will obey God and follow His way. (obedience)
The Bible is true...I can trust it through and through. (apologetics)
I know and can see...God has a special plan for me. (purpose)
My relationships will grow when love and respect I show. (relationships)
I will live to give. (generosity, stewardship)
Listening to God's voice will help me make the right choice. (wisdom)
I will go and share my faith everywhere. (outreach)
God made me to impact the world for eternity. (leadership)
*Jesus rose from the dead...just as He said. (Easter bonus lesson)
*The Christmas Present (Christmas bonus lesson)
I believe if you teach children these 12 truths, it will lay a solid, spiritual foundation that will stick with them for a lifetime.
What are you teaching children? Do you have a strategic plan for what you are sharing with them? If you want them to grow up to follow Jesus, then it's a must to teach them solid truths and apologetics.
I also created a grid that each lesson must pass through that insures the lessons incorporate learning styles, the senses, repetition, hands-on learning, Bible memorization, icebreakers and other vital factors. The curriculum will burn these 12 truths into kids' long-term memory.
Below is a video overview of the curriculum. Watch it to see how the curriculum will capture the attention of the children in your ministry.
Get a month and see how it fits your ministry. You can see lesson samples and purchase it at this link.
If are reading this in an email, you can watch the video overview at this link.