I am so excited about March 30! Why? Because that's the day we are hosting an online conference about all things volunteers.
I believe there are a number of reasons why you should join us.
Here are 10 of the reasons.
1. Building a volunteer team is one of the most important things you do as a ministry leader.
The success of your ministry rises and falls on the strength of the volunteer team you build.
If you asked me what I believe is the most important part of children's ministry, I would say volunteers. It's your job description in one word.
You can be great with kids, but if you are not building a volunteer team, your ministry will be limited. In this webinar, you will gain insight that will help you build a larger volunteer team.
2. You need more volunteers. When I talk with churches across the nation, I always hear one thing. We need more volunteers. No matter what size your church is...50...500...5,000...you will always need more volunteers. In this webinar, we will talk about how to get more volunteers.
3. The speakers are proven volunteer team builders. All of the speakers have something in common. They don't just talk about building volunteer teams, they have actually done it.
Last week, my father-in-law had open heart surgery. We wanted to know that the doctor was an experienced surgeon. That he had not just studied about doing surgery, but that he also had a track record of successful surgeries.
There are a lot of people who talk about building volunteer teams and even speak about it at conferences, but in actuality they have never built a substantial volunteer team themselves.
In this webinar, be assured that you will be hearing from leaders who walk the talk when it comes to building volunteer teams. Brian has built a great team. Bryan is a great team builder. Heidi has a track record of building great teams.
I built a volunteer team from 300 volunteers to over 2,000 volunteers in 9 years at a local church.
4. We will talk about how to keep volunteers long-term. We'll talk about how to close the back door and see volunteers go the distance with you.
5. You will learn how to raise up volunteer leaders who can lead other volunteers. One of the biggest keys to taking your ministry to a new level is raising up volunteer leaders who can lead other volunteers. This second level is vital if you want to stop flying solo and equip volunteers to lead other volunteers. Heidi will be sharing how she does this.
6. You'll learn how to build a team post-turbulence. Can anyone say Covid-19? It hurt all of our volunteer teams, didn't it? Some to a larger degree than others, but we were all affected by this.
Bryan Cheney, who is the children's director at Willow Creek Church and one of our speakers, has led not only through Covid-19 set backs, but at the same time had to lead his volunteers through the heartbreak of the founding pastor going off course. But he didn't quit. He kept building his team...even in the post-turbulence of these things and they are thriving.
7. You'll learn key ways to lead your volunteers better. Brian Dollar has been at the same church for over 24 years and has built a dynamic team. He has learned much over those 24 years about leading well and will be sharing the keys to leading your volunteer team.
8. You get a copy of one of Dale's books when you register.
"The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams" has been called the best book ever written on the subject.
"52 Devotions for Children's Ministry Leaders" is Dale's newest book and can be used for personal devotions, pre-service meetings, staff meetings, newsletters, etc.
9. There will be built-in Q & A time to talk about anything you want to regarding volunteers. Bring your questions. Each speaker will be offering Q & A.
10. Tied up on March 30? No problem. You will have on-demand access to the conference after it is over. Watch it anytime you'd like.
So there you have it. 10 reasons why you should attend this webinar. You can register now at this link.
Come join us. There will be children's ministry leaders from across the U.S and from around the world.
See you there.