6 Indications That a Church Cares About Children's Ministry

Does your church value children's ministry? Consider this quote.

Churches that have a future always have a deep investment in the next generation. They care more about reaching the next generation than they do about their personal preferences, worship styles and current status.
Could that be said about your church?  I pray so. 


Because I believe children's ministry is the most important ministry in the church.  Can I get an "Amen?"  

Want to know how much your church cares about children's ministry?  

Here are 6 indications that a church really cares about children's ministry.

A church that is serious about reaching the next generation will make children's ministry a high PRIORITY. 

A church that cares about children's ministry spends time PRAYING for God to help them reach kids and their families with the Gospel.

If a church cares about children's ministry, they will have their best volunteer PEOPLE serving in children's ministry.  

If a church cares about children's ministry, they will provide adequate PROGRAM FUNDING.  They will prove they care by investing financially in the ministry.  Instead of getting the small leftovers from the church budget, the children's ministry will be one of the most funded ministry in the church.

If a church really cares about children's ministry, they will have an excellent PHYSICAL SPACE for them.

A below par children's ministry space will make your ministry seem worse than it is.  But an excellent children's ministry space will make it seem better than it really is.  

If a church really cares about children's ministry, they will make it high PROFILE.  You read about it in the church bulletin or newsletter.  You will see signs pointing the way to the children's ministry.  You will hear announcements about children's ministry.

My prayer for your church is this.  That you would become known for being a church that cares about children's ministry.  When someone asks about a church that has a good children's ministry, they will immediately tell them about your church and its passion to reach, disciple and help children and their parents.  

May your church become known as "The Place for Kids" in your city.

p.s. Have you got your copy yet of my new book - Fertile Soil...see kids' faith grow and flourish for a lifetime?  It's a must read if you are serving in children's ministry.  In this book, you will find out why kids grow up and walk away from the church and even the faith.  You'll also see the keys to seeing kids stick with their faith and serve Jesus for a lifetime.  You can get the book at this link.
