Churches...Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Most churches would say that children's ministry is a vital part of their church.  

Many talk the talk...but the reality is most are not walking the walk.

The choir wears expensive robes while the children's ministry budget is minuscule. 

The adult ministry space is first class while the children's ministry space is run down and dingy. 

There are plenty of staff for other ministries, but the children's ministry is way understaffed.

The church raises millions of dollars for a new, state-of-the-art adult worship center while the children's ministry has to cut corners for VBS. 

The carpet in the nursery is old and worn out while the expensive, wooden floors in the church foyer are shining.

It's time for churches to put their money where their mouth is.  I believe that children's ministry should have one of the largest budgets in the church.

This past weekend, I spoke at a church that walks the walk.  They are spending millions of dollars building a new, massive children's ministry facility.  I was encouraged to see a church that is committed to reaching and discipling the next generation.  They are showing by their actions that this truly is a priority for them. 

I believe that children's ministry is the most important ministry in the church.  If we don't reach the next generation, eventually churches will have to close their doors.  There is a church down the street from my house. I should say there is a church building by my house.  The roof is caving in.  There are weeds growing all over the building and there is a for sale sign in front of it.  

When I drive by this former church, I often ponder why they had to close their doors.  I can tell you why. They did not reach the next generation.  Any church that isn't reaching the next generation is terminal. Once the older members pass, there will be no one left in the church. 

I know that many of you reading this are frustrated.  You are doing your best to work with what you are given.  I've been there and done that. I want to encourage you to continue to be the children's ministry champion for your church.  Need a larger budget?  Make the ask.  Need updated or new space for children's ministry?  Make the ask.  Need more staff?  Make the ask.  

But don't forget this when you are making the ask.  When you make the ask, it should be an ask that is rooted and grounded in vision and in the benefits that will come from investing in children's ministry. 

Room to grow.

More opportunities to invest in parents.

Additional opportunities to reach families with the Gospel.

A stronger volunteer team.

Over 20 years ago, I was the children's pastor at a great church.  The only thing this church was missing was a dynamic children's ministry.  We needed updated facilities.  We needed more volunteers.  

I put the church to the test.  I asked for hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a new, exciting children's ministry space.  Church leadership responded and put their money where their mouth was. They invested the money in creating the space.  The church grew and we reached lots of new kids and families because of the investment we made.  

Here's the deal.  Churches will spend money on what is a priority for them.  It's time we help churches see that children are the greatest mission field in the world.  I believe the wisest investment a church can make is in their children's ministry. 

D.L.Moody, the famous evangelist who reached millions of people, made this statement at the end of his ministry.

"If I had my life to live over again, I would give my entire ministry to reaching children."

Be brave.

Be bold.

Be passionate.

Cast vision.  Show the benefits that will come from the investment in children's ministry.

Remember "why" you should make the ask.

God will bless the church that puts their money where their mouth is to reach children and families.