Christmas Resources That Will Help You Reach Kids & Families

Christmas is just around the corner.  It's a great time of the year to reach kids and families.   

Now is the time to get ready.  Do you need some Christmas resources ? Check out these proven, effective resources for kids and families.

The "Christmas Gift" lesson. 

This lesson follows the heart-warming story of a boy named Andrew who discovers the true meaning of Christmas and is given the greatest Christmas gift ever...Jesus.

Delivered Electronically - Instant Download - available now at this link
  • graphics for posters, social media, promotion
  • graphic slides for Power Point, Pro Presenter, Media Shout, Keynote
  • 5-minute countdown video
  • lesson videos that will capture kids' attention
  • lesson plan that fits large group format, small group format, traditional classroom format, mid-week format
  • lesson is hands-on, experiential and learner-based
  • lesson is flexible and editable to fit your specific ministry context
  • lesson connects with all learning styles
  • small group leader format that's easy-to-use and requires little prep

and much more...

Click here to see sample of lesson

Watch a sample of one of the lesson videos below (click arrows to expand & watch full screen.


*if you are reading this in an email, you can click here to watch the video


Who is This All About?  Family Experience 

Who is This All About?" is a Christmas Family Experience that has been used by hundreds of churches of all sizes across the country. It is for kids and their parents to experience together. It tells the story of a young girl who discovers "Who" Christmas is really all about. Set in a "Whoville" like environment, it brings laughter, fun, music, games and storytelling together to create an experience families love. This is a great outreach tool as families are looking for shared experiences during the Christmas season.


  • scripts for drama (scripts are editable and flexible so you can adjust as needed to fit your specific ministry context)
  • suggested order of service
  • family games and activity ideas
  • family message that creatively shares the true meaning of Christmas
The Christmas family experience is available as an instant download at this link.

This will help you get people in the doors of your church. When I held this event for the first time, over 4,000 kids and parents attended.  God can use this in your ministry as well to share the Gospel. 
"Happy Birthday Jesus" Lesson

In this lesson, kids discover that Christmas is all about Jesus! Kids have the opportunity to celebrate His birthday with a special Happy Birthday Jesus party and offering!

Delivered Electronically - Instant Download


  • graphics for posters, social media and promotion
  • graphic slides for Power Point, Pro Presenter, Media Shout & Keynote
  • lesson plan that includes teaching, activities, games and crafts

Click here to see sample of lesson

Click here to purchase this lesson. 

Christmas is all about Jesus.  Lift Him up and kids and parents will come to Him.