If you hosted a fall outreach event, I trust it went well. Fall outreach events are one of the best ways to get new families on your church property.
My home church had a trunk or treat event and we had a ton of brand new families step on our church property for the first time.
But what about after the event? How can you follow up with guests? How can you see families visit your church on a weekend? How can you see families get involved in your ministry? How can you grow your volunteer team by enlisting some of the volunteers who served for the first time at the event?
Here are 3 strategic steps you can take after your Halloween Outreach Event.
#1 - The first strategic step is to be intentional about inviting guest families to a weekend service at your church. Here are some ways to do this.Collect families' basic contact information. You can't follow up without it. Here's some ways you can collect it.
- Let them know up front that you are not going to show up on their door step the next week. Ask
permission to send them some info. about your ministry. People will be
hesitant to give you their information if they think you are going to
show up at their house unannounced.
- Have people register for a free gift that they receive right on the spot. It
might be something as simple as a full-size candy bar for their kids.
With all the mini-candy bars being passed out, you'd be surprised how
many people will give you their contact info. just to get a large candy
bar for their child.
- Have a drawing for some large prizes like a bike, family meal certificate to a local restaurant, movie tickets, etc. Ask people to register for the drawing.
- Have a table or booth set up with church information, brochures, etc. Staff it with friendly volunteers who can answer questions.
- Follow up as quickly as possible. If you follow up within 48 hours, the likelihood of them returning goes up.
- Send them an email or better yet, a handwritten note, that thanks them for coming. Include information about weekend services or other upcoming events. Ask them at the event if you can send them some information about your ministry. Keep it short and simple. Here's a sample.
Thank you for being our guest at the Family Fall Festival. We hope you had a great time. your church's name is a family made up of people just like you and me, who come together to encourage and support each other on this journey called life.
One of the most exciting and challenging parts of life is being a parent. At your church's name, we want to help your kids learn more about God and discover the purpose He has for their lives. We also desire to come alongside parents to provide parenting tools, resources, encouragement and support.
You can get more information about your church's name by visiting our website at your church's website or by calling phone number. We also invite you to be our guest at any of our weekend services. We're here for you and your family.
Hope to see you this weekend!
- Include
a coupon that they can redeem for a free gift the next time they attend
the church. It might be a drink for the parents and a small toy or t-shirt for
the kids.
- Invite them to your next big event. Add
them to your mailing list and invite them to your next event. Even if
they don't show up for a church service the next weekend, you may see
them return for another event. Keep planting seeds...God will bring the
Call the new people who served for the first time and
invite them to join your volunteer team on a regular basis. I've seen
as high as 85% of people who volunteered at the event join our team
as a full-time volunteer.