It's not an easy task to lead and volunteer in children's ministry.
But millions of people serve in children's ministry on a regular basis.
Why do they lead in children's ministry? Why do they give up their time to volunteer in children's ministry? Why do they invest in the next generation?
Here is what children's ministry leaders want parents to know.
We serve and lead because God has called us to do this. He has placed a burden and vision for helping your child know Jesus and follow Him.
We serve and lead because we really do care about your children. This compels us to pray for them. This causes us to teach them. This compels us to invest in them. This causes us to build a relationship with them.
We serve and lead because we want to see your children grow in their faith and become disciples of Jesus for a lifetime. At the end of the day, that's what matters most. We want your children to experience the radical love of Jesus and what it means to walk with Him.
We serve and lead because we care about the future of the church. Your children will be the spiritual leaders one day. We want to help you equip them and prepare them for this.
We serve and lead because we want to make an impact and leave a legacy. Long after we are gone, the children will carry on the work of the kingdom. We want to help prepare them for that.
We serve and lead because we want to partner with you. It can be a challenge to lead children spiritually. We want to help you succeed in this.
We serve and lead because we want to help you maximize your influence with your children. You are the biggest influence in your child's life. We want to help you maximize your influence.
We serve and lead because we want to be a blessing and encouragement to you. It's not easy being a parent. We are here to encourage you and support you in the journey.