This past weekend at church, we had our baptism class.
The class is designed for kids and their parents to experience together.
Many of the children in the class have made a decision to follow Jesus.
The purpose of the class is to make sure children understand the step they are taking by being baptized.
I used to teach this class with just the children attending. But then I felt led to have the parents attend the class with their children.
When you do this, something amazing begins to happen. You will see parents also come to Christ. This past weekend, at the end of the class, I had a mother who realized she needed to make this step as well. She will be baptized with her daughter this coming weekend.
I have seen this happen time and time again. If you will be intentional about sharing the Gospel with parents as well, you will see God do amazing things and change lives.
Remember this...when you reach a child with the Gospel, you change a person's life. When you reach parents, you change the entire family.
Always be thinking of ways you can include parents in the process of sharing the Gospel with families. Do this and I guarantee you that you will see parents come to Christ with their children.
Below are the two classes I use to share the Gospel and baptism with kids and their parents. You can order them at the links below.