I believe the most important aspect of children's ministry is volunteers. Without them, there is no children's ministry.
It can also be the most challenging aspect of children's ministry. Ask any church what their biggest need is and they will say "more volunteers" 99% of the time.
So how can you build a thriving volunteer team? I am going to share 5 secrets to see this happen. It's the same secrets I used build a team of over 2,000 volunteers in a local church. Here we go.
Secret 1 - Don't recruit from desperation. Rather, recruit from vision.
No one wants to get on the Titanic. No matter how desperate you may be, don't show it. People are not drawn to desperation....they are drawn to vision. Begin sharing the vision and keep sharing the vision. High level volunteers will engage with a high level vision.
Secret 2 - Don't place people where you need them. Rather, place them where they need to be.
What does a new volunteer usually say when you ask them where they want to serve? They say "wherever you need me." The temptation is to place them were you need them. The problem with this? If you place them where you need them, it may not be their sweet spot. It may not be where they are gifted. When you do this, two things can happen. They will burn out and quit. Or they may "endure" it because of their character, but they will not enjoy serving.
Here's the secret - as you are interviewing them ask them, "What is your dream job at church?" Listen to what they say and do your best to place them where they indicate. When a volunteer gets in their sweet spot, they will thrive and feel energized.
Secret 3 - It's a privilege to serve in children's ministry. It's no ones right.
Sometimes you need to say "no." Not everyone needs to be serving in children's ministry. It is a honor and privilege to serve in children's ministry. Don't lower your standards or expectations just because someone is trying to bully their way into serving when they shouldn't be on the team.
Secret 4 - Relationships is what keeps volunteers.
If you want to keep your volunteers, then help them build relationships with the people they serve with. Help them become part of a family of volunteers that not only serves together, but does life together as well. You can do this by creating opportunities for volunteers to be in a small group together, pray together before serving, and having fun together outside of church.
Secret 5 - It's not what you can do, it's what you can empower others to do.
Don't try to be a star. Help others to be a star.
Don't constantly shine the light on yourself. Shine the light on the people you serve with.
Don't try to be powerful. Instead, be a person who empowers your volunteers.
The success of your ministry will rise and fall on the strength of your volunteer team.
Need more secrets to building a great volunteer team? Check out my book - The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams. It's available in print or ebook. You can get it at this link.