10 Things Successful Children's Ministries Have in Common

About 10 years ago, I started a children's ministry round table discussion group. 

I invited the largest, fastest growing children's ministries in the nation to come and spend 2 days just talking about children's ministry.  

As I listened to these successful children's ministry leaders talk about their ministry, I took notes. 

I wrote down what they said works for them.  I wrote down what hasn't worked for them. I wrote down what caused them to grow rapidly. I wrote down obstacles and growth pains they had experienced.

I'd like to share 10 of the things I wrote down that I believe can benefit all of us. Here we go.

1.  Multi-site. 

Without exception, every church there had a multi-site ministry model.  This is how they continue to grow and see success year after year.  If you are going to reach your city or community, you need to start new campuses on a regular basis.

2. Clear, compelling vision.

Each children's ministry has a clear, compelling vision.  They are committed to the vision.  Volunteers know the vision.  Parents know the vision.  The vision is short and easy to remember.  The vision is memorable.  

There are clear steps in place to help the vision become reality.  

3. It is evident that the church cares about children's ministry.

The church as a whole cares about the next generation and is committed to reaching them.  This is made evident through the church's budget allocations.  This is made evident through the church's calendar.  This is made evident through the church's priorities. This is made evident through the church's programing.

4. The church has a strong children's ministry volunteer team.

The best, most committed volunteers serve in children's ministry. The church consistently funnels new volunteers into children's ministry.  It's an honor to serve in children's ministry.  

5. They focus on having a great guest services team

They go the second mile when it comes to making guests feel welcomed, accepted, and cared for.  This makes a big impact and they see many guests return and get connected to the church.

6. They share the Gospel on a regular basis.

They understand the timeline for accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior....knowing that 85% of people do so before the age of 18.  They know it all comes down to whether kids accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior early in life,  They area aware is the most important lesson they will ever teach.

7. They are committed to doing things with excellence.

Everything walks the talk for them.  They realize that excellence is found in the small details done well. While they are not perfect, they strive for things to be so. They pay fantastic attention to detail.

8. They have clear processes

They have a clear process for joining the volunteer team. A clear process for sharing the Gospel.  A clear process for training their team members.  A clear process for discipleship.  A clear process for a child being baptized.  A clear process for dedicating children.  

9.  They know they haven't arrived yet.

Even though they are larger churches with great success, they still have the heart and posture of a learning church.  They are always looking for ways to improve and get better.  They ask more questions than they give answers.  They learn from everyone they come in contact with.  

10. They acknowledge the "it" factor.  

For some reason, God has decided to bless there ministry in-spite of them. They are very aware of this and realize that without the hand of God, none of this would be happening.  They are growing and achieving ministry success because of God's blessings.  

They know that ministry success only comes from God's anointing and power.  Without the "it" factor, they would flounder and see that nothing of eternal value happens without prayer.