6 Must Read Books for Children's Ministry Leaders

Leaders are readers.  

Harry S. Truman once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” 
No leader wakes up one day with all the knowledge needed to become successful. Most great leaders are readers in constant pursuit of knowledge and personal development.
The power found in solid leadership books is that they are personal accounts of situations that come from real life situations with tested outcomes.  Someone has done the hard work for you.  They have succeeded and they have failed. They have triumphed and they have struggled. They share with you why.
Reading improves your knowledge, thought processes, and critical thinking skills. Books also give you the opportunity to explore different perspectives and help you get out of your comfort zone.  Books can challenge you and motivate you to grow and reach new levels as a leader.

So, what books are you going to read in 2025?  
What books can help you grow in 2025?

What books are a good fit for your vocation as a children's ministry leader?
Here are 6 books that I recommend. I have written each of these books and believe they can help you in all areas of your leadership and children's ministry.   

Let's take a look at them. 

If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry
This year over 38 million people will walk into a Disney Park.  The vast majority will be families with children. 
I don't agree with everything Disney does. But wow....do they know how to connect with families. This book will give you practical tools you can learn from Disney that will help you reach more families.  You can check out more about this book at this link.  This book has been read by thousands of children's ministry leaders and comes highly recommended with a 5 star rating.
The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams

The success of your children's ministry rises and falls on the strength of the volunteer team you build.  
Called the greatest book ever written on the subject, this book will give you the tools you need to build a great volunteer team.  
You will learn 5 critical skills.  
Enlisting volunteers. 
Equipping volunteers.
Engaging volunteers.
Encouraging volunteers.
Empowering volunteers.

Lead Well in Children's Ministry

Leading in children's ministry is no small task. This book covers 10 key areas you need to lead well in. With over 35 years of experience, Dale shares his learning experiences and failures in this book.  If you are new to children's ministry or you are a veteran who needs to sharpen up in some key areas, this book is for you.  You can get more information at this link.

Fertile Soil...see kids' faith grow and flourish for a lifetime

What causes some kids to follow Jesus and others to abandon the faith?  After studying the Scriptures intently and spending years looking at statistics and research, Dale has uncovered the truth about this. 

In this groundbreaking book, you will discover the three big reasons why kids walk away and the ingredients it takes to create fertile soil where kids and families can grow and flourish as believers. 

You can get more information about this book at this link.

Be Our Guest...Pursuing Excellence in Church Guest Services

Do you want to see guest families return? The biggest factor in guests returning is how you treat them on
their first visit. A great first experience doesn’t happen by chance, it is the result of a carefully thought out, prayed over, and planned strategy. This book will help you develop your strategy for helping people feel welcomed and loved.  You can get more information about this book at this link.

52 Devotions for Children's Ministry Leaders

In the midst of busy ministry, it is important to pull away and spend time with Jesus and meditate on His Word.  This is the secret to longevity in ministry.  This book contains 52 devotions for children's ministry leaders.  They can be used for personal devotions, volunteer team meetings, pre-service prayer times, articles for newsletters, encouraging emails, vision casting, and staff meetings. 

You can get more information about this look at this link

Do you want to purchase all 6 books?  How about a discount?  I got you. You can get all 6 books at a discount price of only $70.  This is a savings of $17.  Let 2025 be the year you read multiple books so you and your ministry can grow exponentially.   You can click here to order all 6 books.

If you'd like to order multiple books for your staff or volunteers, feel free to email me at dale@buildingchildrensministry.com.  You can get even more discounts when you order multiple copies.