Volunteer Recognition...Why It Is So Important

Recognition is so important. It is a crucial part of the serving experience you provide for your volunteers. 

The majority of volunteers who serve do so because they want to make a positive impact in people's lives.

Volunteers who receive recognition are much more likely to serve wholeheartedly.

It is motivating. It will help volunteers serve more enthusiastically.  

Recognition goes a long ways. 

When was the last time you recognized your volunteers?

When was the last time you said "thank you for serving?"

When was the last time you sent someone a handwritten thank you note?

When was the last time you bragged on one of your volunteers to your pastor?

When was the last time you gave one of your volunteers a special gift?

In order to effectively recognize a volunteer, it is important that you get to know them.  

Know about their family.  

Know how long they have been on the team.

Know what they like and don't like.  This will make the recognition more meaningful and personal.  I have a friend who wanted to recognize one of his faithful volunteers.  He found out she liked a certain kind of candy bar.  The candy bar was not sold here in the states. 

But that wasn't going to stop him from recognizing this volunteer and include the special candy bar.  So, yes, he got online and ordered the candy bar from overseas. When he gave her the candy bar, she got tears in her eyes. She realized that he considered her so valuable to the team that he would go the second mile to express his appreciation to her.

Know their love language. This will help you know how they like to be recognized.  

Here's an idea for recognition.  Have a volunteer of the week or month. Recognize them in your communication pieces. Recognize them on social media. Put up a poster with their name and information on it.  Give them a handwritten note and special gift.

In my book The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams I share 50 easy ways you can recognize your volunteers.  You can get the book at this link

To effectively recognize your volunteers you will need to have a plan. Developing a strong, year-round volunteer recognition plan ensures that volunteers who give their time to your organization feel appreciated in return.

What will you recognize your volunteers for?

When will you recognize your volunteers?

How will you recognize your volunteers?

Put the answers to these questions on your calendar so you don't forget. It's easy to get so busy that you forget or overlook showing your volunteers appreciation.

Recognizing your volunteers doesn't have to cost a fortune. But it does cost some money.  Put money in your budget for volunteer recognition.  They are your most valuable resource and the ministry couldn't happen without them.  I can't think of a better way to invest some of your budget money.

Host a volunteer appreciation event at least twice a year. No agenda but fun and appreciation.  I normally do these in November / December and at the beginning of summer (June). 

Make an appreciation video. Grab your phone and make a short video.  Record a few kids and parents thanking the volunteer for their investment in their lives and the impact it is having. Post the video on social media and send a copy to the volunteer you are recognizing.

If recognizing volunteers is not at the top of your to-do-list, then make some changes. Whatever it takes, move this up to be one of your top priorities. Remember...

The success of your ministry rises and falls on the strength of your volunteer team. Take good care of them and make sure you consistently recognize them.