Don't Blink or You'll Miss It!

I remember when I left for college. My mother was standing in the driveway crying. I asked her why she was crying and she said, "One day you will understand." Now that I am a dad and have a son in college and another son in 10th grade, I understand.

When I first saw this commercial, it reminded me of how quickly time goes by. Our lives are just a vapor. Before you blink, your child will be pulling out of the driveway. Don't blink or you'll miss it.

The same things applies in children's ministry. That little preschooler in your class will be in elementary school before you know it. That 5th grader who is in your small group will be receiving his high school diploma before you know it.  Don't blink or you'll miss it.

So...make every day count with your children.
So...make every weekend count with the kids at church.
So...slow down and take time to build relationships with the kids in your class at church.

Don't blink...or you'll miss it!

Posted by Dale Hudson