How to Connect With Parents With a 98% Success Rate

Connecting with parents. With today's constant influx of messages, it's a challenge.  Most parents are flooded with over 247 messages a day. How can you get your message through the clutter and into their hands?

One proven way is through text messaging. Did you know that 98% of text messages get read! that's a great success rate.

Here's some ways we are using texting to partner with parents:
  • On Monday each week, we text the main point of the lesson and a few discussion questions so parents can have conversations during the week.
  • We send out the Bible verse for the month.
  • We send out reminders of special events such as camps, family events, etc.
Here is the text messaging service we use.  It is very affordable. And with a 98% connection rate, it's invaluable.

Posted by Dale Hudson