Do you face the challenge of getting volunteers to show up for training? I do. People's lives are crazy busy and they're not looking for one more thing to add to their schedule. But training and growing volunteers is a vital part of Children's Ministry.
I have found there is a key opportunity for training each week that many Children's Ministries overlook. That's the 10 minutes before you open the doors for the worship service / class time.
Recently we have become very intentional about using those 10 minutes to pour into our volunteer team. Here's what the 10 minutes looks like...
- Laughter. We have fun. We spend a minute or so letting people tell jokes or funny stories.
- Recognition of a volunteer who goes the second mile. We name something specific they have done and the impact it had on kids and parents.
- Devotional/training piece. One simple thought that helps everyone grow.
- Prayer Requests/Prayer. We pray for individual needs and for God to work in us and through us as we serve.
- Team cheer. We literally get in a huddle like a football team and do a team cheer. Right now it's a chant that says "What time is it? What time is it? It's time to serve! It's time to love on! Go God's Kids team!" I know it sounds cheesy...but it works. People go out enthusiastic and with a sense of anticipation.
Posted by Dale Hudson