Children's Ministry is messy. Slobber...spit up...dirty diapers...vomit...runny noses...gum under seats...crayon marks on the wall...stains on the carpet...overflowing toilets...sticky handprints on the wall.
But that's right where Jesus the mess. When He was here on earth, He got down in the mess of everyday life to help people. Whether it meant wiping mud on a blind man's eyes or smelling the stench of a man who had been dead for days...He was right there...ministering in the mess.
Children's Ministry makes a difference. When you minister to children, you are making a difference not only now, but in the future as well. You never know who that baby slobbering on your shirt will grow up to be.
Children's Ministry moves the heart of Jesus. The disciples tried to push the children away. But not Jesus. He took them into His arms and blessed them.
And there's a good chance He got some baby slobber on his clothes.