The Most Important Connection You Can Make at Church This Weekend

The most important connection you will make at church this weekend is not with a child in your ministry.  The most important connection you will make this weekend is with the parent of a child in your ministry.

No one has more influence in a child's life than a parent.  If that's true, then your top priority should be to influence parents.  The time you will spend interacting with the parent is just as important, if not more important, than the time you will spend interacting with the child.

Here's some ways you can connect with parents this weekend.

Greet them as they are dropping their child off.  Stand at the door or entrance and welcome them.

Invite them to serve with you.  One of the best ways to influence parents is to get them serving with you.

Teach a class for parents.  Free yourself up on a regular basis to be able to teach classes for parents.  Child dedication classes, baptism classes, parenting classes, etc. are great ways to influence parents.

Worship with them.  Get out of the children's rooms on a consistent basis and attend the adult worship service, an adult Bible study class, etc.

Greet them as they are picking up their child.  Stand by the classroom exit door and personally greet each parent as they are leaving with their child.

Hang out with them after the service.  Spend time talking with them.  Get to know them.  Build relationships with them.

As the parents goes the child.  Invest your time wisely this weekend.

Thoughts?  Ideas?  Share in the comment section below.