Sub par leaders have teams that are echo chambers.
- The team simply echoes everything the leader says or does...without question.
- The leader never asks the team to prove him or her wrong.
- The team is afraid to disagree with what the leader says...even when they know he or she is wrong.
- There is no diversity on the team. The leader only hires people just like himself/herself.
- People don't share their ideas because they know if it's not the leader's idea, it will not be used.
- There are commands without collaboration.
- Ideas are always enhanced through healthy debate.
- The leader's idea is not always used...the best idea is matter who it came from.
- Disagreement is seen as a growth tool.
- The leader shows he/she really cares by welcoming debate. He/she is willing to put the time in to make something better.
- The leader is willing to change his or her mind when shown a better way.
- Debate is driving by purpose instead of personalities or politics.
- Good ideas become great ideas through collaboration.
Here's the bottom line. As a leader, don't surround yourself with echoes who agree with everything you do or say. Instead, surround yourself with idea enhancers who can enhance everything you do or say.