Here are some highlights from Day 2.
Pete Wilson, Pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville
Dr. Richard Ross, Southwestern Seminary
- What matters most is not what you accomplish but what you become.
- Your main job is to stay connected to God.
- Languishing – failure to thrive. Absence of mental and emotional vitality.
- Are you addicted to doing for God instead of being for God?
- Do you want a man-sized solution or God-sized obedience?
- Constant contact with our Creator is essential to fulfilling our calling.
Dr. Richard Ross, Southwestern Seminary
- Concentric circles (me, spouse, children, others)
- Starts with you. (abide in Me)
- Faith at home practices led by spiritually lethargic parents leads to spiritually lethargic children.
- Do you worship Jesus with your spouse?
- How you live is what you believe.
- What shapes the heart most is leading your children to love Jesus and abide in Him.
- Awake, adore, abide.
- Are you an expert at ministry but a novel at being God’s friend?
- When you abide...
- God will reward you supernaturally.
- You will follow more of His leading.
- You will tap into more of God’s passions.
- Adolescence is expanding both ways.
- 26 is the new 18.
- Kids are growing up too fast and too slow.
- Students are over-exposed to information far earlier than they are ready.
- Students are under-exposed to real life experiences far later than they are ready
- Biblical knowledge is to fully perceive and understand through experience.
- Generation iY is the newest batch of kids. Characteristics...
- Parental control. Average college student text their parents 11 times a day. Kids are their trophy.
- Technology central.
- Affirmation constant.
- Expectations lofty.
- Scheduled structured.
- Feedback immediate.
- Upload available.
- Stress rising.
- Three kinds of students you must connect with...
- Driver
- Diplomat
- Dreamer
- Four Images that will help you with today's young leaders...
- Chess and Checkers. Checkers are all the same. Chess pieces are different. Effective leaders connect with people's different personalities and gifts.
- Velvet covered brick. Grace and love with solid principles inside. Must be responsive and demanding.
- Rivers and floods. Be rivers not floods. A river is focused...a flood is not. Kids need focused direction and guidance.
- Drivers and passengers. Have raised kids to be passengers in life instead of drivers. Teach kids to balance autonomy, responsibility, and information.