The Most Important Thing a Children's Ministry Leader Must Be Able to Do

 If you are going to be a successful Children's Ministry leader, you must be able to LEAD ADULTS

You can be great with kids, but if you can't lead the adults who minister to the kids, you will have a hard time succeeding.  

The good's something that can be learned.  Here's some ways to improve your leadership with adults.
  • Read leadership books written by people that are great at leading adults. 
  • Watch people who are great at leading adults.  See how they respond in "real time" leadership situations. 

  • Ask someone who is good at leading adults to mentor you. 

  • Spend just as much time with adults as you do kids. 
  • Ask trusted friends to help identify your blind spots and areas you need to grow in.
Show me someone who is successful in Children's Ministry and I'll show you someone who has learned to lead adults well.