Children's Ministry is not just about children. It's also about enlisting, equipping, and empowering adult volunteers who minister to children. It's about being a spiritual leader and shepherd for these adults. It's also about equipping parents to be the spiritual leader of their child. Children's Ministry is just as much about adults as it is children.
Untruth #2 - It's just CHILDCARE.
Children's Ministry is not just providing childcare so parents can attend "big church." It's helping lay a spiritual foundation at the most critical time in a person's life.
Untruth #3 - It's just about CHANGING diapers.
Children's Ministry is about changing lives. It's about helping kids discover a personal relationship with Jesus.
Untruth #4 - It's just about giving kids CHEERIOS.
Children's Ministry is about giving kids spiritual food from God's Word that will help them grow in their faith.
Untruth #5 - It's just about CHOOSING an easy place to serve.
Children's Ministry consists of the most committed, creative, and passionate people anywhere. They are people who are called to reach the next generation. It's definitely not the easiest place to serve, but it is one of the most rewarding.