3 Words You Should Never Say to a Guest Family at Your Church

Have you ever been in store, asked one of the employees a question, and gotten the response, "I don't know?"  You probably got very frustrated didn't you?

When you hear the words "I don't know" it can leave you thinking...

"Well, can you please get off your lazy backside and find out?"
"This place doesn't care about me as a person."
"Wow...thanks for the terrible customer service."
"Okay...now that you put me in an awkward situation...what am I supposed to do next?  You've left me hanging!"
"This company must not train it's employees well."

When guest families ask a question and hear the words "I don't know" - you leave them feeling the same way.  And the result is they probably won't come back.

It's vital you train your greeters and volunteers to not say the words "I don't know."

Instead teach them to say...
  • That's a great question.  Let me find out for you.
  • I'm not sure, but I'll be happy to find out for you.
  • Let me call someone over to assist you with that.
  • I'm going to personally make sure you are taken care of.
This one little tweak can be the difference in guest families returning to your church or not.