- They are very well-connected.
- The majority of them will take a few online courses taught by a professor they will never meet.
- They have never had the chicken pox.
- They will teach their teachers quite a lot.
- Dean Martin, Mickey Mantle, and Jerry Garcia have always been dead.
- Eminem and LL Cool J could show up at parents’ weekend.
- They are the sharing generation, having shown tendencies to share everything, including possessions, no matter how personal.
- Their TV screens keep getting smaller as their parents’ screens grow ever larger.
- PayPal has replaced a pen pal as a best friend on line.
- Spray paint has never been legally sold in Chicago.
- Thanks to Megan's Law and Amber Alerts, their parents have always had community support in keeping them safe.
- Their favorite feature films have always been largely, if not totally, computer generated.
- They have never really needed to go to their friend’s house so they could study together.
- They have always been able to plug into USB ports
- Washington, D.C., tour buses have never been able to drive in front of the White House.57.
- Their parents’ car CD player is soooooo ancient and embarrassing.
- They were born into cyberspace and measured their output in the fundamental particles of life: bits, bytes, and bauds.
- They prefer to watch television everywhere except on a television.
- The Biblical sources of terms such as “Forbidden Fruit,” “The writing on the wall,” “Good Samaritan,” and “The Promised Land” are unknown to most of them.
- Michael Jackson’s family, not the Kennedys, constitutes “American Royalty.”
- Their lives will be measured in the fundamental particles: bits, bytes, and bauds.
- Their parents have never gazed with pride on a new set of bound encyclopedias on the bookshelf.
- A significant percentage of them will enter college already displaying some hearing loss.
- They are living in an era of instant stardom and self-proclaimed celebrities, famous for being famous.
- Star Wars has always been just a film, not a defense strategy.
- Billy Graham is as familiar to them as Otto Graham was to their parents.
- Ice skating competitions have always been jumping matches.
- They know many established film stars by their voices on computer-animated blockbusters.
- Point-and-shoot cameras are soooooo last millennium.
- Two-thirds of the independent bookstores in the United States have closed for good during their lifetimes.