The way up as a Children's Ministry leader is stepping down.
This is the opposite of what our instincts tell us.
We think if we promote ourselves, "brand" ourselves, speak at this conference or that conference, get x number of people to follow us Twitter, or get x number of likes on Facebook, then we will more successful. Self-referential has become the norm.
But God says to increase you must decrease.
If you want to become a better Children's Ministry leader, then you must humble yourself before God and leave the rest up to HIm.
Here's six ways to "step down' as a Children's Ministry leader.
Know what you don’t know.
Don't be a "know-it-all." Resist the urge to be "master of the universe." Be aware of your weaknesses and bring people around you who are strong in those areas.
If you haven't done so, do a 360 degree review. It may be a mirror you don't want to gaze into, but it will help you see blind spots and give you valuable feedback that can help you grow as a leader.
Have someone who holds you accountable and speaks into your life.
Resist falling for your press reports.
Don't spend time reading your press reports...good or bad.
Let your primary goal be making other people better.
A great leader makes those around him or her better. This means putting others before yourself...pouring yourself into others...investing in others...being more concerned about others than yourself. As you strive to make those around you better, the natural result will be you getting better.
Embrace and promote a spirit of service.
Jesus said if you want to be great in His kingdom, then you must become a servant. Those around you will quickly know if you are there for them or for yourself. A true leader is a servant-leader.
Listen more than you talk.
Lead by asking questions and listening. Great leaders are more known for asking great questions than they are for having great answers. Listen to other people's ideas. Lead quietly instead of charismatically.
Always be in growth mode.
Einstein said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Always be stretching yourself...always be aware that you haven't arrived...always be growing.
The word "Hubris" is a Greek word that means "extreme pride or arrogance." It's the opposite of humility. Resist hubris and embrace humility. Stepping down is the path to success in your ministry.