- Don't tell kids to sit still and be quiet in church.
- Don't place volunteers where they are not gifted.
- Don't teach rules without relationship.
- Don't baptize kids who don't understand what they are doing.
- Don't do events or programs just because you've always done them.
- Don't correct or confront by email.
- Don't be afraid of feedback.
- Don't treat 5th graders like 1st graders.
- Don't neglect your time with Jesus.
- Don't surround yourself with people just like you.
- Don't talk more than you listen
- Don't make parents wait in line.
- Don't believe your press reports...good or bad.
- Don't do things that someone else should be doing.
- Don't be "super spiritual."
- Don't refuse to change.
- Don't be defensive.
- Don't try to lead by title.
- Don't make change a surprise.
- Don't call it childcare.
- Don't skip your vacation.
- Don't equate deeper with only head knowledge.
- Don't avoid the hard conversation that needs to happen.
- Don't forget to celebrate.
- Don't take shortcuts.
- Don't assume.
- Don't call first-time guests "visitors."
- Don't compromise on safety and security.
- Don't get up to teach and not be prepared.
- Don't sweep stuff under the rug that needs to be dealt with.
- Don't make guests guess where to go.
- Don't ignore volunteer-to-child ratios.
- Don't rely on a DVD player to be your teacher.
- Don't be alone with a child...ever.
- Don't ask volunteers to stay over and serve one more service.
- Don't skip adult worship.
- Don't be too hard on yourself.
- Don't get so immersed in ministry that you don't enjoy ministry.
- Don't try an object lesson or game during the service without first making sure it works ahead of time.
- Don't say "yes" to every thing people want to put on your children's ministry calendar.
- Don't expect everyone to like you or what you do.
- Don't bore kids at church.
- Don't tolerate disunity.
- Don't use the word "need" when recruiting volunteers.
- Don't make kids feel like they are going back to school on the weekend.
- Don't whine.
- Don't require parents to serve.
- Don't fly solo.
- Don't get too comfortable with the way things are.
- Don't forget to say "thank you."