The 3 Big Goals Your Children's Ministry Should Strive For

Yesterday, I had a phone interview with someone who is finishing up a degree in Children's Ministry.

He asked some great questions.  One that he asked was, "What should be the big "wins" for a children's ministry?  What do you want to see happen in kids' lives when they are leaving your children's ministry?

That's a great question.  Here was my response.

First and foremost...for each child to have a stepped across the line of faith and began a personal relationship with Jesus.  We know we have a narrow window of time when kid's are open and receptive to the Gospel.  The majority of people come to Christ as a child.

I want every child to know Jesus as their Leader, Forgiver, and Friend.

Secondly...for each child to have a growing relationship with Jesus.  Growing through prayer, Bible reading, being part of a church family, serving, sharing their faith, and being mentored by a caring leader.  Our goal is to give kids the tools they need to begin feeding themselves own their spiritual growth.

Thirdly...for parents to be equipped to lead their child spiritually.  Our goal is to partner with parents and equip them with the knowledge, resources, and milestone events they need to lead their child with confidence.  Parents want to lead their child spiritually...many just don't know where to start.  Our goal is to come alongside them and be their biggest cheerleader, resource, and encourager. 

If someone asked you what are the top 3 goals for your children's ministry, how would you respond?  Would these be on your list?  Maybe something else?  What are your priorities?  Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.