Let's take time to smile today. Here's 20 signs you might be in Children's Ministry.
1. If you've ever baptized someone who was splashing...you might be in children's ministry.
2. If you've ever had a "lost and found" box with 25 kids' Bibles in it...you might be in children's ministry.
3. If you've ever wished you had bought stock in the Play-Doh company...you might be in children's ministry.
4. If you've ever had an argument with a church janitor...you might be in children's ministry.
5. If you think serving in the nursery should be mandatory for all choir members...you might be in children's ministry.
6. If you've ever had someone say, "I don't want to volunteer...I like my adult Bible study class too much"...you might be in children's ministry.
7. If you've ever learned some very interesting family information from a preschooler's prayer request...you might be in children's ministry.
8. If you've ever taken a huge bag of coins to the bank...you might be in children's ministry.
9. If you've ever went to Disneyworld and left with 10 new ministry ideas...you might be in children's ministry.
10. If you'd rather paint a room green or orange instead of beige or gray...you might be in children's ministry.
11. If you've ever had a parent say, "I wish VBS lasted 2 weeks instead of 1" and wanted to strangle them...you might be in children's ministry.
12. If you've ever had someone pick up their child 45 minutes after service was over because they were "talking" to someone...you might be in children's ministry.
13. If you've ever been out of breath at the end of a worship song because of the motions...you might be in children's ministry.
14. If you've keep your local inflatable company in business...you might be in children's ministry.
15. If you've ever had a pie put in your face because someone won a contest...you might be in children's ministry.
16. If you've ever been jealous of the student ministry budget...you might be in children's ministry.
17. If your Sunday morning attire always includes a bright-colored t-shirt...you might be in children's ministry.
18. If you've ever ridden with a bus full of kids and it wasn't a school day...you might be in children's ministry.
19. If you've ever pushed a Bibleman video into a VHS player...you might be in children's ministry.
20. If you've ever filled up an entire cooler full with water balloons...you might be in children's ministry.
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20 Signs You Might be In Children's Ministry
6:19 AM
Dale Hudson