What are the qualities that make these volunteers seem to have an "S" on their shirt?
They are always in their spot. You can always count on them. Week in and week out, they show up and make a difference. They are long-termers.
They don't fight change, they embrace it. If there is a mix-up and they don't get all of their supplies, they roll with it. If there is a last minute change, they adjust with a smile.
Team Player
They don't have their own agenda. They see the big picture. They get along well with other volunteers.
They are an encourager. You look forward to seeing them each week. They have a "let's take the mountain" attitude.
When they say they will do something, they follow through. They are known for their character. They have a solid reputation at work and in the community.
Provide Good Feedback
They provide good feedback and give you ideas that help improve the ministry.
Care About Kids
They love working with kids. Kids are drawn to them. Parents request for their child to be in the person's group.
They are all in. They go the second mile. When an event is over, they stay and clean up with you to the end. You have to tell them to go home at times.
They are always looking for ways to improve. They are on the front row at volunteer training. They take notes during the pastor's message.
Serve From the Overflow
They have a growing faith. They are a spiritual leader to other volunteers. They keep themselves spiritually healthy.
Who is one of your great volunteers? Share the person's name and why they are such a great volunteer in the comment section below. Next Wednesday, I will honor your volunteer here in a special post on the front page. If you send me their email address as well, I will send them a personal email thanking them for serving on your team and share what you wrote with them.