It is truly amazing what kids can do if they are only given an opportunity.
We talk about kids being the church of tomorrow, and yes, that is true.
But they are also the church of today.
And it's time we start giving kids more opportunities to serve at church and in the community. For way too long, we've told kids to sit still and be quiet in church. Then we wonder why, when they grow up, they are sitting on a church pew and not making an impact for God's kingdom. It's because we told them to sit still and be quiet. Habits formed early in life tend to transition into adulthood.
I am listing these top 10 You Tube stars to show what kids can do when given the opportunity. They can bring creativity and freshness to the table. They can bring new perspectives, if we will step back and let them lead strong. They can create amazing content.
1. Ryan's Toys Review
Ryan is a 6-year-old who reviews toys for viewers multiple times a week. He is the most subscribed child on YouTube with 9.4 million subscribers and more than 16.5 trillion video views.
2. EvenTube
Evan, is a 12-year-old toy reviewer. His earns over $1.3 million dollars a year through his channel. His channel has over 4.6 million subscribers.
3. Kids' Toys
Kids' Toys features two sisters, Quincy Faye and Laurice, who review the latest children's toys. They live in the Philippines and have over 2.4 million subscribers. They've had 2.9 trillion video views in 4.5 years.
4. Seven Awesome Kids
Seven Awesome Kids shows the lives and thoughts of girls 0-12 every day of the week. It showcases the girls wild imaginations through funny skits. They have 1.8 million subscribers.
5. EthanGamer
Ethan is 10 years old and has become a social media star. He has 1.7 million subscribers. His content is age-appropriate and he has an enthusiastic attitude which draws a new generation of social media users.
6. BabyTeeth4
Jillian and Addie, ages 12 and 9, are the stars of babyteeth4. The two sisters are famous for their kid candy reviews, which feature their funny, honest reactions to candy. They also have two other series which have drawn in tens of millions of views.
7. B2CuteCupcakes
This channel is ran by a 12-year-old social media star named Bee. Bee has a bubbly personality and demonstrates DIY's, trends, toys reviews and kid life hacks.
8. Hulyan Maya
Hulyan and Maya are the stars of the YouTube channel called Hulyan Maya. They have over 1.4 million subscribers. They test toys out. They are bringing in over a million dollars through their channel and have been featured on NBC's Today Show.
9. Hailey's Magical Playhouse
Hailey’s Magical Playhouse is where 6-year-old girl Hailey comes to play. She does things like toy unboxings, surprise eggs, costume dress-ups, and other indoor and outdoor play activities. She has 1.3 million subscribers. She loves Disney as well and brings characters into her show.
10. Naiah and Elli Toys Show
Naiah is 5 and Elli is 6. They have a toy parody channel. They love doing silly skits and funny
commentaries when they unbox toys. They have 1.2 million subscribers.
When we begin turning kids' attention to making a kingdom impact, we will see many of them rise to the challenge. As we give them the space and time they need to express themselves creatively, we will see them turn thousands of people into followers of Jesus.