Everything rises and falls on leadership. And that includes children's ministry.
If you are going to grow your children's ministry, then you must have strong leadership in place.
Let's look at 10 elements that make up great children's ministry leadership.
#1 - A clear mission statement that team members are committed to.
#2 - Clear and precise job expectations. The leader and team members know exactly what is expected of them. And they know how their role supports and helps build the big picture that you talk about.
#3 - Resources. It's hard to meet a deadline or goal without the resources you need to accomplish it. Great leaders find out what resources are needed and then get the tools in the hands of their team.
#4 - Right spot. For team members, it is vital that you help them find the right spot. You can find this out by asking them questions about their passion, goals, ideas, etc.
#5 - Moral Support. Everyone needs encouragement, Everyone needs praise. Everyone needs to be honored for their work. Everyone needs to know they matter and their work matters.
#6 - Personal care. Team members need to know that their leader really cares about them and their family. Spend time with your team members outside of the church zone. Get to know them. Have them over for dinner.
#7 - Personal Growth. Team members are invested in. Growth and development pathways are available. The goal is to not just grow the ministry, but to also grow team members. When surveyed, 75% of team members say they are often disengaged and their leader provides little or no feedback.
#8 - Commitment to excellence. Team members are committed to excellence. Team members who are dragging the team down by "coasting" while everyone else is giving their best is not tolerated. Everyone must be committed to giving their very best for the ministry.
#9 - Relationships. Team members develop strong relationships. The work environment has a "we are family" feel to it. It really does make a huge difference when you enjoy the people you serve with.
#10 - Team members feel empowered to provide ideas, feedback and insight. This is welcomed and expected. Team members need to know that their opinion matters. When they know their ideas are welcomed and heard, it causes them to be more committed to the cause.
Your turn. What are some other elements of great children's ministry leadership? Share your thoughts, ideas and insight in the comment section below.