P.K. That is short for pastor's kid. In this live seminar, we are going to talk about how to best minister to this special group of kids whose father or mother is a pastor or staff member. P.K.s go through challenging times, many of which are because they are a P.K. (I know - I am a P.K.). P.K.s often feel like they live in a glass bowl.
33% of P.K.s no longer attend church. Why is this?
this seminar, we are going to take a deep dive into what causes some
P.K.'s to stray and how we can prevent that from happening.
pastors and ministry leaders, our most important ministry is our own
family. And yet for many leaders, they fall into the trap of not
pouring enough into their children due to the demands of the ministry.
In this seminar, we are going to talk about...
- What causes P.K.s to stray?
- What are the best practices for ministering to P.K.s?
- What pastors say they have done best in raising their children.
- What pastors wish they had done better.
- How to pour into your children while you are in ministry.
- How to keep your family first and not let them take a back seat to ministry.
If you are a pastor, staff member or someone who ministers to pastor's and staff's kids, you need to be part of this seminar.
When you register, you will receive a copy of Dale's newest book - Fertile Soil...how to see kids' faith grow and flourish for a lifetime ($17 value). If you live outside the USA, you will receive the ebook version.
You can register at this link.
Can't make it to the live seminar? No problem. The seminar will be recorded and will be available for you on demand.
Join us as we discuss this critical topic.