Feedspot recently released the list of top children's ministry blogs/websites to follow in 2023. These are ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority and freshness.
Follow these blogs/websites for great content, ideas, encouragement, discussions and the latest news in the world of children's ministry.
1. Relevant Children's Ministry
2. About the Children's Department
6. Discipleblog
11. Orange Leaders
13. Children's Ministry Online
14. Ministry Spark
15. Awana Blog
16. Kidologist
17. Commander Bill
18. Flame: Creative Children's Ministry
19. Super Church
20. Glenys Nellist
22. Kids in Ministry International
23. Children's Ministry Basics
26. Every Generation Ministries
28. Children's Ministry Leader
29. Ron Brooks
34. Disciplr
36. Kidzlife
37. Glen Woods
39. Cokesbury Kids
40. Mattmo
41. Pastor Tom Bump
42. Kidfrugal
47. Ministry Ark
49. Bible Drive-Thru
50. KidTrek
What other websites and blogs do you follow that are not on this list? Share them in the comment section below.