Thank You Children's Ministry Leaders

October is Pastor Appreciation month.  Today I want to say thank you to all of the children's ministry leaders who unselfishly give of their time, treasure and talents to help the next generation know Jesus and follow Him.

Most people do not know the full extent of what you do.  I chuckle with you when someone asks, "what do you do all week?"  

They don't understand all the hard work and time it takes to make children's ministry happen. 

But you know because you live it week in and week out.  

Thank you for your heart for the next generation.  

You get it.  

You know that the future of the church is in your ministry.  

You know that there is a battle being waged to capture the heart of the next generation.  You are serving on the front lines of this very real spiritual war.

You know that parents play the biggest role in their children's spiritual temperature and that is why you seek to influence parents every time you get an opportunity.

You know that most people come to Christ before the age of 16ish and so you are diligent to share the Gospel with children.

You know that it takes volunteers to sustain a children's ministry and so you constantly seek for ways to build your team. Don't be discouraged when you hear some "no's".  God has always provided you with volunteers in the past and He will continue to do so in the days ahead.  

Some of you reading this are tired.  Weary in well-doing.  I get it.  I have been there many times as well. Just tighten the grip you have with Jesus and depend totally upon Him.  He will never fail you or leave you.  In fact, I believe He is preparing to use your life like never before.  What you are feeling right now is just the on ramp for it. will be worth it all when you see Jesus. 

All the time and effort you spend on will be worth it all when you see Jesus.

All the times you have asked people to serve in children's will be worth it all when you see Jesus.

All the time and effort you spend preparing and teaching will be worth it all when you see Jesus.

All the time and effort you spend taking kids to will be worth it all when you see Jesus.

All the time and energy you have put in leading children in will be worth it all when you see Jesus. 

All the time and effort you spend checking new families will be worth it all when you see Jesus. 

All the time and effort you spend sharing the will be worth it all when you see Jesus.

Be encouraged today my friend. God keeps great records and great will be your reward in heaven. 

You are called.  Anointed.  Living out your destiny and best of all...God is for who can be against you?

Some of you haven't heard "thank you" in a long time...even during "Pastor Appreciation" month.

From my heart to yours...thank you!  Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your passion to share the Gospel with the next generation.  Thank you for your heart to serve others.  Thank you for your vision to see kids and families come to Christ. 

There's nothing better than serving the next generation and influencing them at the most critical time in their life.  

What a blessing that God has called you to do this.  May you be encouraged and empowered today. 

I appreciate you!

Your Fan!
