How to See More Guests Return to Your Church

You probably have some guests each week that come to your ministry.  The big questions do you get them to come back?  How can you see more guests return to your church?

Here are some ways you can see more guests return to your church.


Your greeters are usually the first people that guests encounter. Make sure you have good people in these roles. Their attitude about guests will make or break the experience. 

It is also important to have greeters that the guests can relate to. Your greeter team should be made up of kids, teens, young couples, middle-aged people and senior adults. A healthy church will have all generations represented.


Train your volunteers to understand the importance of making new families feel welcome and accepted. You only get one chance to make a good first impression and they are a big part of this. It is important that they understand what their job description is and how they can win in the role.


It is essential that you train your team to see things from the guests’ point of view. They don’t know where to go. They don’t know where to sign in. They don’t know how your safety and security process works. They don’t know where to pick up their child. We forget what it’s like to be a guest at a church. We assume that because we know our way around that everyone else should be able to do the same. 

Don’t assume that the signs you have put up will be enough information for them. They need a person that will walk with them and make them feel loved and welcomed. They need someone who remembers what it is like to visit a new church and has empathy for what guests are experiencing.


Be friendly. A smile is one of the most important things your team can do. A smile says “We are glad you are here. We are here to serve you and make you feel at home.”

T - TRAINING.  Train your team how to respond and what to do with questions and situations they will encounter. Questions like these:

“What do I do when a parent has lost their pick-up tag?”

“Do we allow siblings of different ages to stay together on their first visit?”

“Where is the closest bathroom?”

“Will you contact me if my child starts crying?”

“Where do I come to pick-up my child after the service?”

“Where is the student ministry area?”

“Do you serve snacks to the kids? Are the snacks gluten free? (You should always ask first time guests about food allergies.)

These are just a few of the questions you should train your guest services team to be able to answer. Do these things well and you will see your guest experience go to the next level.

G -Greeters
U -Understanding
E - Empathy
S - Smile
T -Training


1. Do we ever comp people when we make a mistake?
2. How are we doing with getting back to people when they try to contact us? How quickly do we respond?
3. Are we able to see beyond peoples’ “problems” and realize there is something deeper that is bothering them?



Do you have a copy of my newest book - "Be Our Church Guest?"  It is full of ideas and insight that will help you create a great experience for the guests who come to your church.  You can get it at this link.