This week I am posting Christmas ideas for Children's Ministry. Idea #3 is a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party. Hosting a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party can help turn children's focus toward the true meaning of Christmas. Here's the logistics...
- Teach the children that Christmas is about Jesus coming to the earth as our Savior. We are going to celebrate His birth with a party.
- Pick a weekend to host the party. We host ours during the service on the weekend before Christmas.
- Print party invitations and distribute them to the children and families. Give children a few extra and encourage them to bring a friend. Christmas is a great time to invite friends to come to church.
- Elements to include in the party...
- Worship
- Praise (give kids the opportunity to share what Jesus has and is doing in their life)
- Lesson about the birth of Christ and why He came
- Special "Jesus' birthday offering." (see yesterday's post for more info)
- A birthday cake that says "Jesus."
- Sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
Posted by Dale Hudson